Grosvenor is a dynamic choir founded by Edward Craig in the autumn of 1993. This unique and youthful mixed-voice ensemble, numbering 38 singers, are from a diverse range of backgrounds and mainly hail from the Greater Belfast, South Antrim and North Down areas. Their repertoire is extensive and a typical concert includes a rich tapestry of styles and genres with music old and new and in a colourful spectrum of languages.

The choir is not only about the time spent rehearsing, performing, broadcasting or competing. It is also a great social network playing on the strengths of individuals as well as the group. They actively support local charities throughout the year at their performances and have a loyal group of supporters called the Friends of Grosvenor.

What the critics say....

"...somehow manage to capture the warmth of [Northern Ireland]... an enormous amount of preparation and rehearsal". - Howard Goodall
"...manage to get deep inside the music; and the technical requirements to do that effectively are enormous.. you were able to paint and caress the text." - Suzi Digby