Today we said goodbye to a friend.

“Grosvenor has brought together so many wonderful people from so many backgrounds with so many stories over the years. Alexandra Lineham was one of those wonderful people who shared our love of choral music, and who like many of us, came along on a Monday night and was able to forget about the worries of everyday life and get lost in the music for a few hours…”

Alex joined Grosvenor last September as an alto and was one of the crowd in no time at all. She readily absorbed all the new repertoire and was probably a ‘model pupil’ compared to some of us who are a bit slower at picking up the music copies between practices. (Don’t mention that bit to Ed though 😉

What quite a few us didn’t know immediately at the time, was that Alex was undergoing treatment for cancer – not that it let her miss many practices or indeed performances. An example to all and friend to so many, she sang her last song with us in June.  She lost her battle with cancer on Friday 10th September 2010.

It took us all by shock and i include a few tributes from choir members below …
“Alex – I knew you for the shortest time but you have been a light in our lives in choir. You fought so hard with true bravery and always smiling and thinking of everyone else before yourself. Such a lady xxx”

“You were a truely remarkable person and although I only knew you for too short a while your friendship made the deepest impression and meant so much. I just wish I’d known you for longer…”

“Your life was a short one but you made sure it was a life that made a difference. Your courage, energy and sheer zest for life were infectious. I am so glad I met you, even if it was for such a short time…”

Most of all though, there has been the overwhelming endorsement that we were all priviliged to have got to know Alex in the relatively short time that our paths crossed. A fighter and an example to us all, but most of all … a friend. x

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